Selecting Art Imagery For Investment Purposes

Select Art Imagery With Investment In Mind: Buying, and then reselling at a profit, is possible with art imagery. And, if done knowledgeably and with good judgment, can be as profitable, if not more so, than most other kinds of investment. So, how do you go about selecting art work while having art investment profit in mind? Here are 12 factors to keep in mind before buying:#1 – Differentiate The 3 Kinds Of Art Work: Decoration art: coordinates with a room’s colors and furnishings as decor. It has little, if any, art for investment value. Collectible art: it’s being collected by some, so a small market exists for it. Generally the quality of the work is “student”, not superior. If you like it, and want it, that’s fine. You can possibly sell it sometime, either getting your money back or making a small profit on it, but it wont turn into “investment art”. Investment art: done by top calibre, well-known artists. Bought by collectors, investors and dealers, both nationally and internationally. Connoisseurs, experts, and art historians recognize it as such. Easily sold for art investment profit. This is the category you need to concentrate on when seeking returns on investment.#2 – Be Mindful Of General Preferences In Art Work: Horizontals rather than verticals, of girls rather than boys, landscapes rather than seascapes, domestic rather than wild animals, organic rather than inanimate still lifes, bright rather than heavy tones, 24″ x 36″ rather than medium or small size, cheerful rather than somber subjects.#3 – Buy Only Art Work You Love And Can Afford: You should only buy art for investment that you have a strong personal response to. So, if it goes up in value, you will only gain. If the value doesn’t increase, you still have the enjoyment of looking at it. And stay within your budget and means to obtain it. Remember the adage: ‘much wants more and loses all’!#4 – Buy Only Art Prints Made By The Artist: This is important! Don’t buy prints commercially produced. As each edition of 10 or 20 prints made personally by a recognized artist is bought, the price of ensuing editions may go up.#5 – Buy the Best Art Work Of An Artist: The best work by an artist – whether he/she is great or not-so-great – appreciates in value more than ‘average’ work by the same artist.#6 – Buy Art Work With A Paper Trail: The work of a good artist, when it is accompanied by valid documentation, is worth more and has greater resalability for two reasons: the documentation testifies that the work is authentic and it tells a story about it, which really intrigues people.#7 – Buy Art Work Signed & Dated By The Artist: The artist’s signature and date of original production may not show in an obvious spot but, for resale with art investment profit, it must be somewhere on the work!#8 – Buy Art Work In Fine Condition (And Take Good Care of It!): When it comes time to sell your investment art there can be a huge price spread between something in mint condition and something touched-up or restored. And, as a general rule, a piece of investment art goes up in value when it has been well taken care of.#9 – Buy Moderate, Rather Than Really Large Size Art Work: This is because of displayability. If the work needs a really huge space to show it, it is less sellable.#10 – Buy Typical Art Work Of An Artist: You can buy an example of the work that an artist is best known for or specializes in, or you can buy a piece that is not. For investment art purposes choose the former, not the latter.#11 – Buy Art Work Before The Peak Of Demand: If the artist and his work is on everyone’s tongue at present that means it’s not a good time to buy; the price will be too high. You need to buy before that time comes. And, probably, you should sell when that time comes.#12 – Buy Art Work With A View To Incoming Art Trends: To spot incoming art trends, watch global political and economic shifts for clues. For example, If oil prices are rising dramatically, or major new political developments are happening, these things will affect the sort of artwork that is coming into, or going out of, demand. You need to become sensitive to world shifts and their impact on art sales, so look to the past to see which shifts affected which types of art and how, and use that knowledge to forecast future trends. Let that knowledge guide you in choosing investment art purchases.Recognizing “investment art” takes time and some experience from looking at a considerable number of art works. When you get to the point where you can quickly and accurately spot an example of it, then you’re ready to begin buying and selling art imagery for a profit.

Community Needs Health Assessment

In 2012 the Internal Revenue Service mandated that all non-profit hospitals undertake a community health needs assessment (CHNA) that year and every three years thereafter. Further, these hospitals need to file a report every year thereafter detailing the progress that the community is making towards meeting the indicated needs. This type of assessment is a prime example of primary prevention strategy in population health management. Primary prevention strategies focus on preventing the occurrence of diseases or strengthen the resistance to diseases by focusing on environmental factors generally.I believe that it is very fortunate that non-profit hospitals are carrying out this activity in their communities. By assessing the needs of the community and by working with community groups to improve the health of the community great strides can be made in improving public health, a key determinant of one’s overall health. As stated on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Blue Shirt Blog (CHNAs and Beyond: Hospitals and Community Health Improvement), “There is growing recognition that the social determinants of health – where we live, work, and play, the food we eat, the opportunities we have to work and exercise and live in safety – drive health outcomes. Of course, there is a large role for health care to play in delivering health care services, but it is indisputable that the foundation of a healthy life lies within the community. To manage true population health – that is, the health of a community – hospitals and health systems must partner with a broad spectrum of stakeholders who share ownership for improving health in our communities.” I believe that these types of community involvement will become increasingly important as reimbursement is driven by value.Historically, healthcare providers have managed the health of individuals and local health departments have managed the community environment to promote healthy lives. Now, with the IRS requirement, the work of the two are beginning to overlap. Added to the recent connection of the two are local coalitions and community organizations, such as religious organizations.The community in which I live provides an excellent example of the new interconnections of various organizations to collectively improve the health of the community. In 2014 nine non-profits, including three hospitals, in Kent County, Michigan conducted a CHNA of the county to assess the strengths and weaknesses of health in the county and to assess the community’s perceptions of the pressing health needs. The assessment concluded that the key areas of focus for improving the health of the community are:· Mental health issues· Poor nutrition and obesity· Substance abuse· Violence and safetyAt this time the Kent County Health Department has begun developing a strategic plan for the community to address these issues. A wide variety of community groups have begun meeting monthly to form this strategic plan. There are four work groups, one for each of the key areas of focus. I am involved in the Substance Abuse workgroup as a representative of one of my clients, Kent Intermediate School District. Other members include a substance abuse prevention coalition, a Federally qualified health center, a substance abuse treatment center and the local YMCA, among others. The local hospitals are involved in other workgroups. One of the treatment group representatives is a co-chair of our group. The health department wants to be sure that the strategic plan is community driven.At the first meeting the health department leadership stated that the strategic plan must be community driven. This is so in order that the various agencies in the community will buy into the strategic plan and will work cooperatively to provide the most effective prevention and treatment services without overlap. The dollars spent on services will be more effective if the various agencies work to enhance each others’ work, to the extent possible.At this time the Substance Abuse work group is examining relevant data from the 2014 CHNA survey and from other local resources. The epidemiologist at the health department is reviewing relevant data with the group so that any decisions about the goals of the strategic plan will be data driven. Using data to make decisions is one of the keystones of the group’s operating principles. All objectives in the strategic plan will be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART).Once the strategic plan is finished, the groups will continue with implementation of the plan, evaluating the outcomes of the implementation and adjusting the plan as needed in light of evaluation. As one can see, the workgroups of the CHNA are following the classic Plan-Do-Check-Act process. This process has been shown time and again in many settings-healthcare, business, manufacturing, et al-to produce excellent outcomes when properly followed.As noted above I recommend that healthcare providers become involved with community groups to apply population level health management strategies to improve the overall health of the community. One good area of involvement is the Community Health Needs Assessment project being implemented through the local health department and non-profit hospitals.

Virtual Call Center Jobs – Finally Exposed! Know The Truth!

Often a phone call to the customer service department of many companies, here in America, leads to a foreigner on the other end of the line. Fortune 500 companies and many marketers online are offering virtual call center jobs and other remote jobs to people outside the United States. This is called offshoring. Many Americans argue that this is taking away from the US economy, especially in times of economic crisis. Is this harming America’s economy?That’s an argument that can be debated on both sides of the coin. Most companies and online marketers are outsourcing to India. Some companies claim that they have no choice. With the economy being in an uproar in the United States, some companies claim that they are forced to offer virtual call center jobs outside the United States. These jobs are also offered to Philippine workers. Many are college educated. They can speak good English too. Filipinos accept virtual call center jobs for as little as $1.25 an hour USD. This is the main reason why American companies hire offshore.Internet marketers claim that foreign workers are more loyal workers than American workers. Is this true? Maybe, maybe not. So in essence, many employers whether online or offline state that foreign workers often stay with them for the long haul. Offering virtual call center jobs to foreigners is known to lower cost by 70% while increasing productivity. That is certainly a huge advantage for business owners. Many Americans are angry and will never get over the whole idea of offshoring. Remote jobs are so hard to find, especially when there is about one in every 25 remote jobs being legitimate. The other 24 are scams.So many Americans, especially stay at home moms, the handicapped, etc are desperate to find jobs that allow them to work from home. Offshoring certainly does not help the situation at all, or does it? Is there a better way for struggling companies to avoid offshoring? Many angry Americans have a hard time answering this question. Several states are considering laws to restrict or prohibit offshoring. Unions are also lobbying Congress to end what they call, “madness.”Despite the fact that offshoring can create a dip in the amount of jobs available To Americans, the truth of matter is, it can also benefit the American economy. Companies pass cost savings on to American consumers through lower prices. Also cost savings are passed on to investors through higher profits. Let’s talk about new sales. You see, companies also get new sales from Indian firms that boost imports from America. The U.S. economy also redeploys workers who lose their jobs from offshoring. And this is done in ways that boost growth as well. So therefore, offering virtual call center jobs and other remote jobs to foreigners can be looked at from “Both sides of the coin.”